Sonntag, 22. September 2013

Waikerie to Perth

Hello everybody, time for holidays!!!
After picking and pruning all kind of fruit, we finally saved up enough money to go for a loooooong holiday for the rest of the year. As it is winter in australia, we should have been heading up north straight away for warm and nice weather, but we didn't want to miss the south and the south-west... So we went on a little Roadtrip, driving almost 4000 km within the first week. Well, unfortunately the weather really wasn't that nice, otherwise we would have spent a little more time in between (only 20°C). Still, here are some impressions from our and MOGY's first week back on tour.

Cleaning good old Mogy to start off fresh to another road trip.

Not only we prepared to move on, also Marcello our work mate from Waikerie did. Walking from Waikerie to Adelaide (180km!!) with a supermarket trolley. Unfortunately, he was stopped by the police and they took away his trolley. Poor Marcello, but he arrived in Adelaide anyway :-)

Here we go! Distances are long, and there is not really much to see...

..accept for roadkills and the beautiful eagles we saw feeding on them.

 And again some whales, this time at Head of Bights.

 Didn't take long until Mogy was dusty again :-)

The dust covers Mogy's newest bump, caused by a little accident in Perth. Fortunately it wasn't our fault and no one got hurt.

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