Freitag, 21. Juni 2013

Melbourne to Adelaide

After beeing absent for a while we finally found some time to upload some of the many pictures we made. The journey took us from Melbourne along the Great Ocean Road and the Limestone Coast towards Adelaide in South Austalia. The Road meanders between the cliffs and the sea, offering spectacular views and access to many world class surfspots. Jan took advantage and went for a surf, each time one of the many uncrowded spots looked promising. In between, some towns offered more sheltered beaches and smaller waves for Bine. After crossing the boarder into South Australia, abundant wildlife crossed our roads, and we've finally seen an echidna, for which we had been looking for months...


Bine is taking some pictures with our new camera

Jan is having fun in the water

White Cockatoos were everywhere

 Some animals show a very human behaviour, when confronted with a camera

Time for some surf in between, 3 people in the water, waves up to 200m long

Koalas hanging out, sleeping all day long, no hurry in taking a picture of them, as they don't move anyway.

The 12 Apostels, a must on the scenic Great Ocean Road

 Some seriously big waves

Some serious fun on another great surf spot

The biggest eagles we have ever seen (wedge tailed eagle)

Finally an echidna, the only egglaying mammal besides the platypus...

and they move their legs as if someone is running in knee to hip high water 

Only a picture of a picture, but we think we found the ugliest chicks in the world (any other competitors for this title known by anyone?)

4 Kommentare:

  1. Hätte ja fast eingelenkt mit dem Blässhuhn
    der is aber auch nich schlecht

  2. Schöne Bilder und schöne Erinnerungen werden werden wach. Wie gehts euch? Portugal/Algarve/Lagos war der Hit.Apartment mieten, Boot kaufen und ab auf den Atlantik.!

  3. Habt ihr eure 88 tage landwirtschaft schon hinter euch? Wo seid ihr im moment? Was tut ihr. Meldet euch mal wieder

  4. Sind zur Zeit immer noch in Waikerie in der Nähe von Adelaide am Arbeiten bei einem Obstbauern. On etwa 4-5 Wochen gehts wieder ans rumreisen.
